
Some of the activities that I feel provide a lot of meaning to me include reading fiction and watching films. With the fear of sounding too pretentious, I think film, literature and other art forms are incredibly important as they help our life experiences be less singular, make us see things from different perspectives, and let us ponder on ideas that would otherwise elude us.

Below, I list down some of my favorite books and films. The lists follow no particular order and are selected based on my personal experiences with them and not meant to provide any objective ranking.

Favorite Books:

Favorite Films:

With sparing moments of inspirations I try to jot down my thoughts on films I saw or books I read, some of which you can find below. I am also fairly active on Letterboxd and Goodreads.

Theme by Ankit Sultana. Yi Yi illustration at the bottom right by Anna Vignet.

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